When the summer interns at Schibsted Tech Polska are asked to sum up their experience, two benefits are always talked about with great enthusiasm:
- They have worked on real development projects with the latest technologies, not just boring maintenance tasks
- The program ends with a trip to Scandinavia to present their work for colleagues
This week 11 of the summer interns presented their projects to about 30 colleagues in Oslo, Norway. Another two of the interns went to Stockholm, Sweden.
More than 80 technologies used
We asked the 13 summer interns – chosen among almost 300 applicants – to list all the technologies they used during the summer. The list was long! In total more than 80 different technologies were used! Here is a word cloud of all the technologies – with the ones used by most given the biggest fonts
Here are the projects
So what projects did the 13 summer interns work on this summer? Here is a quick overview!
Four of the summer interns worked as mobile developers for the leading Norwegian media house VG. Their task? To develop a new version of the weather app for Pent.no.
One intern was assigned UX tasks for Schibsted Products and Technology´s Identity team. This team works on a global login solution that is already used by several million people.
Another intern worked for the circulation department of four Norwegian subscription newspapers. His task was to develop a brand new iOS application allowing users to have their friends help them make choices.
One student was assigned to a team that is developing a sophisticated ad booking system for Schibsted companies.
Two of the interns worked closely with the leading Swedish media house Aftonbladet. One was Android developer for the weather app Klart.se while the other did iOS development for Viktklubb, a service to help people lose weight.
Other projects:
- Refining the API of a global directory being developed at Schibsted Centralen in Stockholm
- Integrating emojis as a way readers can react to news articles in the regional Norwegian media house Bergens Tidende
- Developing a web service to discover popular news topics – as part of the new media platform Schibsted Media Group is creating
- Starting the development of a new mobile version of Schibsted Media Group´s main corporate page
Here is the experience of one summer intern
Summer intern Anna-Maria Shkarlinska wrote three blog articles about her experience as summer intern in Schibsted Tech Polska:
- The life of an iOS intern
- Expectations vs Reality: Summer internship at Schibsted Tech Polska
- Top 3 DON´Ts the internship has taught me
The Oslo trip in pictures
The interns were in Oslo from Sunday to Tuesday – and had time both for sightseeing and introduction to several of Schibsted´s companies.
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