Written by Mateusz Jaracz
Department Manager
Published April 15, 2015

Micro services workshop in Kraków

More of our teams use micro services when developing new projects. We gathered participants from Norway, Sweden and Krakow to share our experiences. 

Cozy conference room in the hotel, about 20 tech people interested in one topic: micro services. The workshop took place on 14th of April being a place to learn and share the insights related to the architecture, deployment and development of software following the concept of micro services.

Here is a quick summary of the presentations:

Schibsted Norway Tech

The first presenter, Mateusz Kwaśniewski, shed some more light on his struggle with legacy systems and how micro services together with Twelve-factor app principles have help him to move forward. It was also his dry run before the 4Developers conference where he will present the same topic.

He shared many interesting stories about the Fastenposten and Farticles projects developed in Schibsted Tech Polska. These projects are foundations for  content presentation for some of the biggest Norwegian newspapers. Related technical sub topics discussed were:  Cloud, Orchestration and tools like: Travis CI, Openshift, SNAP and many more.

The next presenter, Michal Jaeschke,  talked about the growing numbers of micro services as well as high granulation in his API infrastructure. He raised  questions how to manage the services in the most optimal way. Also, he presented component versioning approaches and how to track high number of services  – helping Norwegian newspapers to present the content to the end users.

Schibsted Products and Technology  – Media Platform

SPT Media Platform team was the next presenter. Rafał Górzanowski with help from Henric Englund presented how micro services have been utilized in the new CMS system for Schibsted Group. The challenge was to show the complex architecture in a concise way, which was achieved with high degree of success. Amazon queuing solutions, cloud usage were the main bullet points covered in the presentation.


After a good lunch in a nearby café we started with the next speaker: Henning Spjelkavik from the Norwegian classified website Finn. Henning shared Finn’s approach to deployments, APIs, packaging and alerting. He shared very interesting insights related to Zipkin and Hystrix. His presentation also answered a couple of questions raised earlier by Michał Jaeschke and inspired Michał in area of high granularity and services versioning approaches. Thank you, Henning !

Check our developers´blog


As Schibsted Video Platform developed by Schibsted Tech Polska VGTV Team is getting more attention among Norwegian newspapers (being a foundation for new local TV projects) – it was a good moment for Konrad Pietrzkiewicz and Michał Matoga to show how micro services can be used in the domain of video encoding and serving media content. What we can say? The new platform will be faster .. and better!

Distribution Innovation

Elephants are big and hard to beat. Not for Łukasz Bańcerowski from the Distribution Innovation Team who showed us how the monolithic application can be replaced with distributed micro applications (called agile ants ). It’s definitely possible using modern software development approach as well as proper tools.


The last presenters – Daniel Jagielski and Janek Gurda – compared two frameworks: Dropwizard and Spring boot. They showed how they have been used in the new Schibsted payment solution developed in Schibsted Tech Polska – and tried not to start the flame war among engineers. The tools were compared in many aspect including:

REST support, DI support, persistence and transactions, configuration, metrics and community support. Many interesting conclusions ended up with hot technical discussion between Media Platform and SPiD teams.

Many thanks to all participants from Sweden, Norway and Poland for contribution and sharing the technical insights.


Written by Mateusz Jaracz
Department Manager
Published April 15, 2015