Written by John Einar Sandvand
Communications Manager - product & tech
Published December 11, 2014

Five videos that tell about Schibsted Tech Polska

2014 is nearing its end – and it is time to wrap up the year. Here are five videos which in different ways tell about the Schibsted Tech Polska company culture.

Programming is hard work. Hours upon hours in front of the computer, trying to find the best way to create solutions. Learning new technologies. Fixing bugs. Merging lists of requirements and magically make it all work before deadline.

In Schibsted Tech Polska this process always happens together with colleagues, not only in Poland, but also with the partner company in Norway or Sweden. It is a team work, really.

So we put a lot of emphasis on collaboration, knowledge sharing, innovation and basically having fun together.

During the year we made a number of videos from company life. Here are five of them. Together they should give you an idea about our company culture.

Social events

We believe programmers – and other groups – work best if they know each other well and have fun together. Therefore we organize a number of social events throughout the year.

The biggest is the Winter Event. This year it was held in Zakopane in southern Poland. In addition to 90 employees more than 40 guests from our Scandinavian partners also participated.

After the summer vacation we organize the annual Summer Event to kick off the fall.  This year we went to Wadowice, about 1 1/2 hours drive from Krakow.

Innovation and fun

Innovation is one of the core values in Schibsted Media Group. And innovation means thinking outside the box.

We try to encourage innovation in different ways. One is by organizing regular STP Hack Days, when programmers spend the whole day working on a project completely unrelated to their daily work. At the end of the day the present what they have made for each other and all participants vote on the winners.

Sharing of knowledge

Our programmers work for 19 different partner companies in Norway and Sweden, almost all of them are a  part of Schibsted Media Group.

We want the teams to share experiences and learn from each other.  One way is through our regular super demos, when teams can give quick presentations for their colleagues about the projects they work on.

Here is an example of such a presentation with Robert Tekielak, team leader of the Aftenposten team.

You can watch similar project presentations including: City guide for young people in Kristiansand, traffic app for Stavanger and Lykke, a celebratory announcements portal.

Presentations at conferences

But our programmers don´t only present internally. Throughout the year we have given presentations at a number of tech conferences in Poland.

Sometimes we make summaries of the presentations, such as this video. It is a summary of a presentation team leader Mateusz Kwasniewski gave at the Java Developers Day in Krakow in October.

Other presentations:

Student loves to share his knowledge

Do not want to be coding experts in secret




Written by John Einar Sandvand
Communications Manager - product & tech
Published December 11, 2014