Written by John Einar Sandvand
Communications Manager - product & tech
Published June 2, 2016

Most new hires learned about Schibsted from friends

Most new hires in Schibsted Tech Polska heard about the company through word-of-mouth. Friends already working in the company are also crucial sources of information in the recruitment process.

What attracts software engineers to Schibsted in the first place? And how do they hear about us?

We wanted to find out.  A survey has just been completed polling all software engineers and product managers that have been hired for Schibsted during the last year in Krakow, Gdansk, London, Barcelona, Oslo and Stockholm.

The results are surprisingly similar across the different European cities: Friends already working for us is the most important information source!

In Poland,  55 % of people hired by Schibsted Tech Polska during the last year first heard about the company from a friend.  The second most important source was that they were contacted by a recruiter (16 %).

Trust people most

Also when researching whether Schibsted Tech Polska would be a good employer, personal talks and meetings with employees are rated as most important.  Both personal contact with employees in Schibsted Tech Polska and information given during the face-to-face interview are given a high rate in importance as information sources (4,3 on a scale from 1 to 5).

Not surprised

Joanna Zasadzinska

Joanna Zasadzinska

Schibsted Tech Polska´s Director of Organizational Development, Joanna Zasadzinska, is not surprised that friends play such an important role.

“The developers´society is small – and people know each other. If a company gets a positive feedback, the word gets around quickly. Therefore the employees are our biggest recruiters,” she says.

“For many software engineers, the company culture is very important. Since they have friends here, they know what to expect,” she says.

Great challenges valued highest

The survey participants were asked to make a prioritized list of what mattered most to them when accepting the position in Schibsted Tech Polska.

The top three list is clear:

  • Great challenges in the projects
  • Innovative work culture
  • Building global products

On the bottom of the list was Schibsted´s long company history (177).

How important are different "benefits" of working with Schibsted when candidates make their decision?

How important are different “benefits” of working with Schibsted when candidates make their decision?

After having worked for Schibsted Tech Polska for a while the respondents say they today would give even higher rating to two factors:

  • Innovative work culture
  • Sense of ownership/responsibility

The priorities were the same in other cities where Schibsted Media Group is hiring software engineers.

Satisfied with the recruitment process

The respondents are very satisfied with the recruitment process at Schibsted Tech Polska.  Especially the contact with the recruiters and the face-to-face interview receive high ratings, while they are less satisfied with the information in the job ads.

Compared to the other Schibsted cities polled, the new hires in Schibsted Tech Polska are much more happy with the onboarding process during their first week at work.

Check our open positions!


Written by John Einar Sandvand
Communications Manager - product & tech
Published June 2, 2016