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Life at Schibsted

Showing 1-12 of 12 results

Results for category: Events close

Android Tech Talk is back!

10 years Anniversary Gala of Schibsted Tech Poland

Schibsted Tech Talk #2

Tym razem porozmawiamy o trendach w IT, które mogę wpłynąć na zmianę kariery.

Schibsted Tech Talk is back!

Schibsted Tech Talk

Tym razem porozmawiamy o wydajności kodu. Naszym gościem specjalnym będzie Jarosław Pałka.

Leadership Tech Talks – advance your career!

Join us to talk about career opportunities in the tech world.

Communication Tech Talks

Join us to learn how to make your communication with business smooth and effective.

Lerna Tech Talks online!

Join us for the Lerna workshops with live coding session and the Q&A.

Leadership Tech Talks online!

Join us for the very first Tech Talks online! We invited our Engineering Managers to share their leadership experience based on real-life cases.

Open Day in Kraków – get ready for summer internship 2020!

There is no better opportunity to check out our new offices, prepare for interviews and talk with the teams looking for IT students for the upcoming summer internship 2020 program!

Let’s talk JS!

JS Tech Talks

Join us for the first Tech Talks at our brand new office in Krakow! Gain the best coding practices and have a beer with other frontend devs.

Sign up for DevOps Tech Talks!

Don’t miss our meetup to talk about the best programming practices and have a beer with other like-minded people.

Join us at Scala Tech Talks!

Calling all Scala developers – join us at the meetup to learn about the best programming practices and have a beer with other devs out there!