Published July 20, 2015

Enterprise Makeover Part 5/6: Continuous Delivery orchestration

In this episode of the Enterprise Makeover series I focus on the description of Continuous Delivery (CD) orchestration. Watch the movie in which I present the details.

5th episode’s highlights:

  • you don’t need CI/CD tools when you’re in the experimentation phase, your service hasn’t proven to be useful or there’s no one to continuously integrate with
  • consider CI/CD as a service tooling for open source libraries 
  • check how much you have to stretch the existing CI tools to enable CD orchestration of more complex applications and consider the tools built around the CD domain model
  • describe your pipeline as a code

About the series

Microservices, the Web, cloud, and Continuous Delivery heavily influenced how modern teams build software systems. In this series you’ll learn how we used those concepts to rebuild the frontend stack of several Norwegian newspapers.

The series is composed of 6 episodes describing Enterprise Makeover journey and shows how we significantly reduced cycle time and created fun work environment that let’s great developers be great. We will present all videos over the next 3 weeks. If you would like to see the slides of the full presentation go here.

Read all the articles about Enterprise Makeover

Enterprise Makeover Part 1/6: creating lean enterprise
Enterprise Makeover Part 2/6: use the Web, don’t abuse it!
Enterprise Makeover Part 3/6: rethinking Agile practices
Enterprise Makeover Part 4/6: cloud-native development on Heroku
Enterprise Makeover Part 5/6: Continuous Delivery orchestration
Enterprise Makeover Part 6/6: organizational change and summary


Published July 20, 2015