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Showing 36-48 of 56 results

Results for category: Mobile close

Demystify the use of HTML in TextView

As a developer you probably used or tried to use HTML tags in your TextView components to create rich text. You probably found some examples on StackOverflow, replaced the text and Voilà! Job done. If you wish to learn how this works under the hood just keep reading.

Setup Gradle for your Android project like a boss – part 2

Gradle is a native build system supported by Android Studio. In the previous post I covered some basics and then focused on generating version code and name, which was especially helpful while building apk. Time to move on to the other fancy tricks.

Working with the Percent Support Library

Google released new Percent Support Library which contains two extra container classes: PercentFrameLayout and PercentRelativeLayout. I want to show you how to work with these layouts which are great in handling percentage-based sizing of widgets.

How to build an incremental search using FRP

Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) has changed how I think about solving problems in iOS. Here I will show you a complete and simple way to build an incremental search using FRP.

What’s under the hood of the OkHttp’s cache?

I guess many of you implement apps using network operations. In most cases we use OkHttp library, usually through Retrofit. One of the nicest features of OkHttp is its caching mechanism. In this post I will go through all relevant steps in caching and explain how it works

Setup Gradle for your Android project like a boss – part 1

Gradle build system gained its popularity with the native support in Android Studio a while ago. It’s quite powerful but not every developer knows how to use it to their advantage. I can’t really tell that I use all capabilities of gradle but I’ll share what I know. You might like it! Gradle – yay!

The hottest Android libraries

Testing libraries in production takes time and could be painful. Let me help you with this task! Here is my list of the hottest Android libraries out there!

Rich TextView styling with spans for Android

I was recently inspired by Lisa Wray and her presentation at the Droidcon NYC conference – Beautiful Typography on Android. I am going to show you how to use spans to enrich the TextView component. It’s based on a true story 🙂

Programming Android with Kotlin

I had 8 years of experience in Java when I decided to start using Kotlin for my Android projects. It happened after I joined the Omni team in Schibsted Tech Polska. Let me tell you what I learned.

Droidcon NYC 2015 – Day two and a final note

Time has come to cover the second day of Droidcon NYC conference. If you haven’t seen the first day coverage you can catch up here.

Droidcon New York City 2015 – Day one

Droidcon NYC is the biggest Android event out there, purely Android content. This is a short summary of the day one talks I’ve been lucky to attend. There were best world android developers among the speakers!

How app linking in Android M and iOS9 will help to increase app engagement

New functionality available in the next version of both Apple and Googles mobile operating systems (iOS9 and Android M) will have dramatic consequences for publishers trying to get users to use their apps instead of the mobile web browser. The next version of the iOS and Android operating systems will