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Showing 12-24 of 40 results

Results for category: Back-end close

Consumer driven contracts – is it worth it?

In the world of microservices testing is difficult.

How to improve the quality of your PHP code? Part 3 – End-to-end / integration testing

In the final part of our series, it’s time to set up end-to-end / integration testing environment & ensure that we’re ready to check the quality of our work.

How to improve the quality of your PHP code? Part 2 – Unit testing

Improve your PHP Code - Unit Testing

In the previous part of “How to improve my PHP code?” we set up some automated tools to automatically review our code. That’s helpful, but it doesn’t really give us any impression on how our code meets the business requirements. We now need to create tests specific to our code’s

How to improve the quality of your PHP code? Part 1 – Automated tools

Improve your PHP Code

Let’s be honest. PHP has a very bad press when it comes to code quality. By reading this series of articles, you will learn how to improve the quality of your PHP code.

Developing Lag Compensated Multiplayer Game, pt. 4: The Lag Compensation

How to lag compensate java/libgdx game

After we’ve dealt with setting up the server and the client, there’s one last thing to do in order to make the game smooth: how to compensate lags between them.

Developing Lag Compensated Multiplayer Game, pt. 3: The Client

Lag Compensated Games part 3

Now that we have the server ready, we can start working on the client side. Soon we will finally be able to actually play our game over the network!

Developing Lag Compensated Multiplayer Game, pt. 2: The Server

Lag compensated games

In the previous part of the series, we’ve implemented an offline game and got ourselves ready to tackle the multiplayer. This time we’ll get our hands dirty fleshing out the server part.

To mutate or not – on Entities and Value Objects

To mutate or not

We all know that immutability is GOOD. But should we use it everywhere by default? Let’s show it on the basis of a distinction between Entities and Value Objects.

Developing Lag Compensated Multiplayer Game, pt. 1: Offline

Developing smooth multiplayer action games was always somewhat baffling to me. How should I split client-server responsibilities and make up for network latencies so that game action seems instant? I wanted to find answers to those questions and if they spark your curiosity too, read on!

How to make XML-generating code more readable with Kotlin extensions and lambdas


XML-generating code in Kotlin may not be readable enough by default. Thankfully, using Kotlin extension functions and lambdas with receiver, we can improve it significantly.

Serverless architecture – AWS Lambda

Road to serverless area

Serverless architecture sounds awkward when you hear it for the first time. One might think. – Hold on! So, how to execute my code? There’s no server, really? Where is the catch? This article describes our experience we gained during our recent adventure with AWS Lambda – the serverless architecture

RDS Database Connection Pooling

This article presents our experience and practices we got while working with MySQL engine running on Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). I focus especially on the connection layer and tweaking of Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool.