Robert Tekielak
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Robert Tekielak


Under the hood of CHINOOK. Front page demystified

This fourth article in the series is all about the front page challenge. What are the scenarios behind the front pages? How does this mechanism even work? Read on to find out!

Chinook: cracking the front page challenge

Separation of concerns, content stacking, priorities…. These are my keywords of today. I hope that this article will give you a broad understanding of two things – the decision-making process that leads to the layout of the front page and what our library, called CHINOOK, does.

A front page dilemma

The article is all about a front page. It is meant to give you some perspective on how Aftenposten news organization approaches the subject and show you a more general picture. In the end, you will get a sneak peek into the CHINOOK – our answer to the front page challenge.

The history of news: from printed newspapers to Social Media

When was the last time you bought printed newspapers? How much time a day do you spend on reading news? What about the articles shared by your friends on Facebook or Twitter? Let me tell you the story of the wind of change in news and publishing. It will help

Web technologies news straight from Fluent 2016

Thousands of JavaScript developers, web developers, mobile app developers, software engineers, and a wide range of other people who work with Web Platform technologies come together at Fluent. So did I! What is my impression?